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Graphic Recording

Visual documentation with sustainable value

As a live artist, Markus Engelberger graphically captures key messages, emotions and events during presentations, lectures and discussions. In real time, a visual protocol emerges that can be used in a variety of ways during and after the event

3 types of Graphic Recording make your event interactive, creative and memorable:

Graphic Recording digital_Markus Engelbe


The story of your meeting or event unfolds on a large canvas. The visualization contains essential impressions, ideas and insights of your event.


Use Graphic Recording as a storytelling tool. Visual key messages to take away turn event participants into ambassadors.


Digital scribbles make ephemeral ideas tangible and thus support brainstorming and decision-making. Digital sketches are an ideal fit for Design Thinking workshops and other methods focussed on forging ideas.

"Graphic recording creates WOW and AHA moments."


"The cooperation with Mr. Engelberger was very inspiring and fascinating at the same time. We hired Mr. Engelberger for our international manager meetings and achieved more than we had hoped. It was an amazing experience for our guests and for ourselves! His ability to visualize complex technical content live and in real-time on a large canvas really impressed us. The end product not only enriched our event but provided a highly accurate and understandable visual summary of all the important elements discussed during the meetings. This will make it easier for us to communicate our strategy to our employees. The cooperation was very pleasant and straightforward. "


Philipp Utz

Executive Board Member

Uzin Utz AG

5 reasons for Graphic Recording at events:

  • Event participants are enthusiastic about the live cartoonist

  • Sympathetic images emotionalize abstract content

  • Essential information is made visible in a well-structured form

  • The Graphic Wall is an attraction and a popular meeting point during breaks.

  • You receive a versatile documentation of a significant day

Graphic Recording Wien_Live-Zeichner_Eve
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5 reasons for Graphic Recording in projects, meetings and processes:

  • Visualizations focusses participant´s attention on essential issues

  • All contributions are heard, acknowledged and included in the bigger picture. This immediate form of non-judgemental appreciation goes a long way

  • Communication and collaboration are facilitated (are we all on the same page?)

  • The path already travelled, the goal aimed at and other elements of the collective journey are visible and clear to everyone involved

  • The final picture is a visual group memory, that makes it a lot easier to pick up the thread in the next meeting

Does graphic recording also work in virtual meetings?

Yes. Visualization of central ideas especially adds value in virtual meetings, conferences and workshops. Images and stories immediately make virtual meetings more human. They loosen up the atmosphere, they emotionalize abstract content and they provide everybody with orientation about the journey and accomplishments so far. Visual documentation also meets the deeply human need for being heard and appreciated.

Thanks to modern technology, participants have two options: To continuously follow the work of the Graphic Recorder or to switch between speakers and the Graphic Recorder´s panel.

Under no circumstances does (and must) Graphic Recording compete with the content of your meeting or event. If implemented carefully it is always a valuable addition for the 70% Visual Thinkers that are part of any audience.

Depending on what you are up to, your virtual event can best be suported by Key Message Cards, large-scale visual protocols or digital scribbles.

When I was working as the director of the World Knowledge Forum, I met him all by chance at the St Gallen Symposium, Switzerland.   I was fascinated by Markus' professionalism the instant I saw him. I invited him to the World Knowledge Forum, which is one of the biggest forums in Asia. It's like seeing a movie when he summarized the discussions by his own words and drawings.   He also lectured about how to discover our own skills as a visual communicator, which was amazingly filled to capacity. I invited hundreds of global leaders to the forum, but I couldn't find a person who has better empathy ability than Markus.

Kundenstimme_Markus Engelberger_Yongbeom


Deputy Editor Bureau Chief of New York Office
Maeil Business Newspaper

Graphic Recording is far more than drawing quickly

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Customers use a variety of names for Graphic Recorders: Event artist, Event Cartoonist, Snapshot artist, Graphical Recorder, Visualizer or Visual translator.

All these terms have their justification. But they do not capture the essence of the matter. What is essential is that a Graphic Recorder documents ideas, events and processes in the form of words and images. Sympathetic illustrations are only ONE essential success factor of a Graphic Recording that inspires and delights.

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Graphic Recording requires a profound understanding of the content discussed, the ability to listen actively and empathically, years of experience in designing and moderating engaging events, deep knowledge about humanistic psychology, mythologic symbols, imagry that depicts the Zeitgeist as well as metaphors and narratives that are the inaudible melody that made people dance throughout the millenia.

Finally, also the ability to engage others in a meaningful dialogue about the emerging visualization is a success factor of a Graphic Recording experience that excites people.

In a nutshell: Professional Graphic Recording goes way beyond the skill of drawing quickly.

You really listen to me. I am fascinated by how you depicted my story.

Jo Malone
Founder of Jo Malone London and Jo Loves

GR Analog


Graphic Recording is a visual protocol created in real time. For face-to-face events, impressive large-scale canvases or foam boards are recommended.

These work surfaces are integrated into the room set up in the way that best suits your goals.
The story of your event, project or company unfolds on the Graphic Wall. The Graphic Recorder distilles the wealth of content communicated and translates it into a work of art that is as unique as the group that convenes.

Markus Engelberger usually illustrates in a likeable comic style.

Metaphors, analogies and friendly comic figures are used to illustrate abstract topics. Logos, color codes and other elements of your visual identity can of course also be incorporated. If it fits your corporate culture, humorous elements are also used to enliven the content and put a smile on participants' faces.

After all, Graphic Recording is about AHA and WOW moments.

Graphic Recording can, but does not have to be, an interactive element of your event. Depending on your goals, the Graphic Recorder's work will be more or less extensively used by the event moderation. A concise, entertaining and potentially insightful summary of your event through the artist is also within the range of possibilities.

Regardless of your specific requirements and preferences Markus Engelberger makes sure his work adds the highest possible added value during and after the event.  An in depth briefing makes sure your needs are understood and the Graphic Recorder's role clarified.


After the event is over, many clients decide to order even more structured or self- explanatory digital depictions of their visions, strategies, corporate values or related strategic topics. Markus Engelberger creates emotionally charged, clearly structured and useful storytelling tools, that help you communicate and anchor your strategic messages.

GR Digital


Ever since the iPad could be connected to projectors or smartboards with interactive displays, it has been impossible to conceive of conferences and meeting rooms without digital Graphic Recording.
For a while, digital sketches on Idea Walls were THE rage in innovation workshops. This trend was replaced by requests for Graphic Recording in three-dimensional virtual space. With tilt brushes and virtual reality glasses.
Combine your potential enthusiasm for new technologies with the necessary caution. There is a significant difference between "novel" and "innovative". By definition, innovation means "new AND useful".

And it is precisely the aspect of usefulness that is not considered in many requests for digital scribing. Those who choose digital Graphic Recording just to be "innovative" run the risk of being disappointed by the actual effect.
However, if you consciously and purposefully use the advantages of digital, quickly iterable sketches, there´s a wealth of situations in which digital Graphic Recording really adds value.


Especially in explorative settings, digital sketches help navigate complexity and make good decisions.

Anyone who wants to give birth to something new, takes iterative and sometimes chaotic paths. Along these paths, many ideas are developed. Ideally a vast majority is also discarded again.
The most agile form of Graphic Recording is ideal for strategy, innovation and design thinking workshops. Digital Graphic Recording makes sense wherever the aim is to surface, structure and develop ideas collectively and co-creatively.
Using the merits of digital technology, the group receives immediate visual feedback on content discussed and the progress made. Participants see diversity, progress as well as areas that may need more attention.

In visioning, innovation and planning processes, groups often work on images, messages and narratives. In these situations, Markus Engelberger can be more than "just a passive draftsman". He can also support the group as a Moderator and Story Consultant.

The Graphic Recorder, Strategic Illustrator, Moderator and Story Consultant with vast experience in strategic consulting is often involved in the run-up to strategic workshops. In preparation of formats that set the course and tone for the years to come, he helps you design  presentations, visual templates, engagement walls and other tools useful in your process.


Key message cards are probably the most shareable form of Graphic Recording. Instead of large-scale depictions, you receive easily shareable visual key messages. Key Message Cards are storytelling tools that turn conference participants into ambassadors for your cause.

Meeting Moderation_Markus
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